Reliable Training Logo             Online Training Manual for LG Products - Thermistor      

Each heater includes a thermistor to regulate the heat and to power down the heater in the event of a failure. The thermistors can be tested at their location or at their connectors on the main board.


Use an ohmmeter to check the resistance of the sensor when it is disconnected from the circuit.

Wash Thermistor

Test the resistance across terminals 1 and 2.

39.5 k ohms ± 5% at  86° (30° C)
26.1 k ohms ± 5% at 104° (30° C)
12.1 k ohms ± 5% at 140° (30° C)
 8.5 k ohms ± 5% at 158° (30° C)
 3.8 k ohms ± 5% at 203° (30° C)
 2.8 k ohms ± 5% at 221° (30° C)

Steam Generator Thermistor

The thermistor is located on the top of the steam generator. You can check it at the connector there.

Test the resistance across terminals 1 and 2.

39.5 k ohms ± 5% at  86° (30° C)
26.1 k ohms ± 5% at 104° (40° C)
12.1 k ohms ± 5% at 140° (60° C)
 8.5 k ohms ± 5% at 158° (70° C)
 3.8 k ohms ± 5% at 203° (95° C)
 2.8 k ohms ± 5% at 221° (105° C)
 2.1 k ohms ± 5% at 241° (116° C)
 1.4 k ohms ± 5% at 266° (130° C)
 1.0 k ohms ± 5% at 293° (145° C)
 0.7 k ohms ± 5% at 320° (160° C)
 0.4 k ohms ± 5% at 356° (180° C)

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